My Clients Dropped a Truth Bomb

From "Customer-facing?" to "Heart-connected." My Journey to a 9.85 NPS Didn't Happen at Starbucks. (But it's Close.)

Hold onto your lattes, this ain't your average "I love Mondays" post.

Today, I'm not just celebrating, I'm levitating. My Net Promoter Score from my first and second rounds of contracts with Mindvalley? A soul-shaking, grin-inducing, 9.85 out of 10. Yes, you read that right. The connection I felt was REAL.

But before you bust out the confetti cannons, let me tell you, this accomplishment wasn't brewed in a corporate cubicle. It wasn't born from spreadsheets and KPIs. It wasn't about ticking boxes or climbing ladders.

It was about hearts and a human connection (Thank you Coach Fran).

Three years ago, I added "Customer Facing Mindvalley Coach" on my Vision board. Now, I'm not just facing clients, I'm walking alongside them, hand in hand, on their epic journeys of self-discovery. This isn't a classroom; it's a campfire, flickering with vulnerability and fueled by the raw courage to be human.

The feedback paints a masterpiece of transformation:

  • "Jason didn't just teach, he opened my heart."

  • "His authenticity made me feel safe to shed my mask and soar."

  • "He pushed me to chase my dreams, not my fears."

  • "His passion is contagious; I can practically taste my own purpose!"

These aren't just accolades; they're ripple effects beautiful change being created in the world. Their relationships repaired, confidence blossoming, dreams ignited, and lives reshaped – all with a sprinkle of Living Lucky® simply because energy is contagious.

My 9.85 NPS is far from a solo victory lap. It's a shared achievement, a testament to Mindvalley's dedication to coaching beyond the textbook. It's about creating a space where authenticity and vulnerability breed courage, compassion paves the way for lasting change, and coaches like me can be more than just mentors – we can be human lighthouses, guiding seekers.

This isn't about me. It's about you. If you're yearning for:

  • A coach who doesn't just teach, but embraces the dance of transformation with you

  • A safe space to shed societal masks and explore your authentic self

  • Tools to craft a life woven with purpose and joy, not just obligations and expectations

Then stop scrolling and reach out. Let's rewrite your story together, fueled by the collective spark of passion and the unwavering belief in the power of human potential.

This isn't just a post; it's an invitation. Join me at Living Lucky®, where where I’m ready to be your co-pilot, not your captain, on your journey to a life lived fully, authentically, and with a heart overflowing with gratitude.

#Mindvalley #Coaching #NPS #Transformation #LivingLucky #HeartCentered #Vulnerability #GetCoached #JoinTheMovement #LivingLuckyPodcast #CertifiedMindvalleyCoach #MindvalleyCoach #NextLevel #TheMatrix

P.S. This 9.85? It's not just a number. It's a promise. A promise of heart-centered coaching, life-changing journeys, and a community that will lift you up, celebrate your wins, and hold your hand through the messy bits.

Ready to start brewing your own masterpiece? Let's chat.

Now, where's that confetti?


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